老外痛骂台湾女生“有点恶心” 大陆女生躺枪了 超贴切!
In the meantime, it comes across as easy for Taiwanese people to be pleasant and smiling on the surface, but I do believe that their most visceral personal and social identity dangerously lacks confidence and awareness with others at best, or is totally uninterested and racist deep within, ever so silently. 台湾人表面很和善又乐观;然而, 我不觉得他们真的是这样,他们缺乏足够自信和观察力, 不能真实表达个人情绪和认同感; 换个讲法,就是他们其实很冷漠,骨子里又带有种族偏见, 只是他们从来没讲出来罢了。 |
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