林允儿《Amazing Grace》(视频引用自秒拍,如无法播放请先登录新浪微博后再刷新本页面。)
林允儿《Amazing Grace》歌词: 作词 : John Newton Amazing grace 天赐恩典 how sweet the sound 如此甘甜 That saved a wretch like me 我等罪人,竟蒙赦免 I once was lost 昔我迷失 but now I'm found 今归正途 Was blind but now I see 曾经盲目,重又得见 'Twas grace that 如此恩典 taught my heart to fear 令心敬畏 And grace my fear relieved 如此恩典,免我忧惧 How precious did 归信伊始 that grace appear 恩典即临 The hour I first believed 何等奇异,何其珍贵