Going to get it get it together and flow
一切总会好转 严冬会过去 流水会散播春意
Going to get it get it together and go
春意会温暖冻伤的心 然后我们也要继续前行
And you can say what is or fight for it
你若能将前路认清 那就为它努力
Close your mind or take a risk
别瞻前顾后犹犹豫豫 就大胆鼓起勇气
You can say it's mine and clench your fist
你也要能为你心中所爱勇敢一次 奋力站起
Or see each sunrise as a gift
We're going to get it get it together right now
请相信我们会挺过去 会一起收获成功的喜悦甜蜜
Going to get it get it together somehow
一切总会好转 阳光总会降临
Going to get it get it together and flower
总会越过困难荆棘 迎来花开遍地
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
噢噢噢 噢噢噢
We're going to get it get it together I know
我知道我们一定会挺过去 会有一天迎来梦想的芳香扑鼻
Going to get it get it together and flow
一切总会好转 严冬会过去 流水会散播春意
Going to get it get it together and go
春意会温暖冻伤的心 然后我们也要继续前行
Up and up and up
别失望别灰心 保持向上的动力
We're going to get it get it together right now
请相信我们会挺过去 会一起收获成功的喜悦甜蜜
Going to get it get it together somehow
一切总会好转 阳光总会降临
Going to get it get it together and flower
总会越过困难荆棘 迎来花开遍地
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
噢噢噢 噢噢噢