解忧杂货店有哪些经典台词语录 电影中经典台词对白大盘点
《解忧杂货店》经典台词对白语录大盘点: 1、The most difficult thing to do in the strange city is not to forget. 在光怪陆离的城市拼尽全力,最难的却是不忘初心。 2、For a child who is sensitive to nature, perhaps the comfort of the grocery store is his most comfortable way to talk to the world. 对于一个生性敏感的小孩,或许解忧杂货店就是他与这个世界对话最舒服的方式。
3、Regret is not a young man who can not write, but can write, but not back then. 遗憾不是年少时的不能执笔,而是可以执笔,却回不去那时。 4、He thought he would never change his life until he broke into the forgotten place. 他原以为自己一生都不会改变,直到那天他闯进这个被遗忘的地方。 |