9号秘事第四季第2集片尾插曲是什么 If you're going to cry歌名叫什么

2018-01-15 20:57:26



  It's almost time to say goodbye, ta-ta and fare-thee-well

  It's almost time to bring the curtain down

  I'll say adieu...


  To me?

  To you.


  So long, it has been swell

  But don't you cry the tears of a clown

  If you're going to cry

  Cry tears of laughter

  A smile takes much less effort than a frown

  So, let's have one more joke and raise the rafters

  Cos laughter's the best medicine in town...


  Doctor! Doctor! I keep feeling like a woman who delivers babies.

  Ooh, don't worry. It's just a midwife crisis.


  Yes, if you're going to cry

  Cry tears of laughter

  Your funny bone can never break in two

  Misery might let you win a BAFTA

  But laughter is my memory of you...


  There are three t***s of people in this world, those that can count and those that can't



  Laughter is my memory of you...


  Do you know, Tommy, I've spent the last four years

  looking for my mother-in-law's killer, but no-one will do it!


  Yes, laughter is my memory of...


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