本周《歌手》最新一期的竞演秀完全上升到了国际化,在首发上虽然“失策”,却在踢馆歌手方面还算下足功夫,力邀菲律宾当红女歌手kz谭定安。她的实力确实不容小觑,踢馆就拿下冠军了。在本期节目中,谭定安将Rap与摇滚歌曲《Rolling in the Deep》完美结合,征服了无数观众,以下就是谭定安在歌曲中插入的rap歌词:


Look at the people who are helping to find the truth,I pushed out my message desperately,To prove that you do not match what I say,You can't resist my warning,Starting now,Reminding the body for the pain,I'm warning those who ha ve brought harm with a violent action.
Now you finally understand that breaking my heart is a huge mistake,Watch out for every word I say,You will not bear the consequences of what you ha ve done,What I say to you will let you stop and realize everything you've done,Unbelievable,Strong and fierce,I'm afraid, but I'm strong in my heart,Ladies and gentlemen。