897话。扉页:斯坦森出现在海尔丁的部队中 【注:斯坦森就是两年前在肥皂泡群岛和雷利曾经关在一起的那个巨人,大妈回忆篇也出现过童年的他和海尔丁在一个画面】 在可可亚岛的大妈团和山治都在等待。SUNNY号到达了可可亚岛边上。 镜世界:抱着布蕾的贝克慕斯和路飞正在奔跑。他们找到了一面镜子,然后出去了。出来的同时,贝克慕斯的墨镜飞了出去。他发现外面是满月,然后开始变身月亮狮子形态。 欧文攻击贝克慕斯,路飞从贝克慕斯的手中飞了出来。 大妈团开始攻击路飞,路飞踢中了雷森的脸。 山治在半空中抓住了路飞,然后开始使用空中步行离开。 在他们走远之前,圆(一个人物) 从空中击倒了他们。 路飞和山治掉到了地上的同时,杰尔马到达了。 杰尔马击散了包围可可亚岛的大妈舰队,然后杰尔马的舰队登场,伊治,蕾玖,尼治,勇治等人登陆援助路飞和山治。 下周不休刊
TItle: Pekoms' Cacao Island Escape Plan Cover: Stansen from Hajrudin's crew is shown. The Big Mom pirates are waiting, and so is Sanji. The sunny has arrived just outside of Cacao. In the Mirro-World, Pekoms is running with Luffy and Brulee in his arms. They get to the mirror, and go through. They come out, and Pekoms' sunglasses fly off as he comes out of the mirror. He realizes the full moon is out and begins to turn into his Sulong form. Oven attacks Pekoms. Luffy comes flying out of his arms. The Big Mom pirates begin to attack Luffy, and Luffy kicks Raisin in the face. Then, Sanji grabs Luffy in mid-air and begins to sky walk with him away. Before they get too far, Yuen knocks them out of the air. Luffy and Sanji are on the ground, when Germa arrives. Germa blows up the Big Mom pirate fleet surrounding Cacao. Their fleet is shown, and Ichiji, Niji, Reiju, and Yonji come to land to assist Luffy and Sanji. No break next week
来源:头条号 talkop海贼王 |