We still got a lil way But look at how far we've come Now, now, now, now Hands up for your colors Ready the people A new day has just begun And I wear my colors on my back (celebrate, celebrate) We're created equal One race, and that's human Can't wait to they [all set all set dance Saying "Oh, can't you taste the feeling, feeling" Saying "Oh, we all together singing" Look at how far we've come Now, now, now, now (there's beauty) There's beauty in our unity we've found I'm ready, I'm ready We still got a lil way But look at how far we've come Now, now, now, now Hands up for your colors One hand, two hands for your colors Show your true colors Here we go (here we go) Let's put on a show (let's put on a show right now) Let me see your hands up Let me see your hands up Here we go Look at how far we've come Now, now, now, now There's beauty in our unity we've found I'm ready, I'm ready We still got a lil way But look at how far we've come Now, now, now, now, now Hands up for your colors There's beauty in our unity we've found One hand, two hands for your colors There's beauty in our unity we've found Show your true colors Here we go (here we go) Let's put on a show Hands up for your colors Represent your country Raise your flag Show your true colors 歌曲链接:52fuqing.com/t7084(传送到网易云音乐) 大卤肉献声2018年可口可乐世界杯主题曲,期待几月后激情四射的夏天,阿根廷好运! ![]() 网友热评 1.那年我初二,那个夏天总是偷偷订着表铃看直播。今年我高三,每天写作业写到深夜才去睡觉,但我相信这一切值得,这三个月再苦再累我都不怕,因为在前面等我的是世界杯,等我的是一个满意的大学! 2.那年夏天,我们一起怀着梦想和激情走进了绿茵赛场,开始了一段崭新的人生旅程。这个夏天虽然还没到来,但必将是一个让全世界疯狂的夏天。疯狂的夏天又将回归,让我们一起倒计时,一起回忆曾经努力拼搏的那些日子。朋友们,让我们先嗨起来好吗? 3.愿总裁最后能圆梦世界杯得到全满贯,显而易见难度是极大的,但在足球的世界里一切皆有可能,总之我会不懈努力地为打你call永远支持你的,嗯,就这样吧!加油!加油! 4.对于梅西来说2018世界杯,这几乎是他巅峰状态下,最后一次冲击冠军的机会了。眼下阿根廷阵容攻击火力强大,梅西和伊瓜因、阿奎罗组成的锋线,可以碾压任何防线。加上还有伊卡尔迪、迪巴拉这样的实力派,阿根廷打好了、打顺了是不可阻挡的。只要他们能够解决好防守和三条线衔接问题,并且激活梅西全部的能量,相信阿根廷这一次具备捧起大力神杯的实力!加油梅老板! 5.加油西班牙!加油葡萄牙!加油德国!加油克罗地亚!加油法兰西!加油巴西!加油摩纳哥!加油哥斯达黎加!愿所有马德里的孩子一句好运! |
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