菲律宾浪漫海滩婚礼 婚礼真人秀
婚礼一般来说都是浪漫的,如果是海滩婚礼岂不是更加浪漫了。如今的海滩婚礼越来越多,但每个人的婚礼都是属于自己的那个,下面是婚礼真人秀,菲律宾超浪漫海滩婚礼,等你来欣赏! 菲律宾超浪漫海滩婚礼 婚礼真人秀 ![]() 目的地: 婚礼在黄昏的菲律宾海滩边举行。由当地的牧师主持,宣读了圣经中的marriage convent,是一个神圣而感人的证婚仪式。 海外的婚礼仪式总有许多与国内不一样的地方,牧师给新郎1个银币夹在手里,用纯净水从两人的指尖倒下,新娘用杯子在下边接着,然后一杯水由两个人分别喝下去,象征两个人结为一体,从单独的个体变为一个整体。 新人分享(摘自圣经) the foundational stones for marriage introduction: woman was created for man…. many years ago, matthew henry observed “woman was not taken from man’s feet to imply inferiority; nor from man’s head to imply superiority; but from man’s side to imply equality. ‘another has said “woman was made from the flesh surrounding man’s heart, that he might love her, and from the flesh under his arm, that he might protect her. “woman was taken out of man-not out of his head, to rule over him; nor out of his feet, to be trampled under by him; but out of his side, to be equal to him-under his arm, that he might protect her, and near his heart that he might love her.” |