4、In a word, it is too timid to do what you know you shouldn't do. I was still too timid to do what I knew I should do. 一句话,先是太胆小,明知不该做的事却不敢不做;后来也还是太胆小,明知该做的事却不敢去做。 ![]() 5、The world's various crooks are not the same thing as the self-deceiving people. 世界上形形色色的骗子,比起自骗自的人来,实在算不上一回事。 6、Only a true friend would say such a thing to you. If you can't follow the straight path to be extraordinary, don't go to evil ways for the sake of the ordinary. 只有真心朋友才肯和你说这种话。如果你不能顺着直道正路做到不平凡,可千万别为了要不平凡而去走邪门歪道。 |
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