
2014-11-03 23:19:11


10月31日晚,浙江卫视大型明星户外真人秀节目《奔跑吧兄弟》已播出了第四期。随着本期节目的播出,邓超与与angelababy在韩国sbs电视台的服装道具房走秀,两人一会变身交警一会变身消防员,生生把一个道具房变成了大牌秀场。他们走秀时的背景音乐歌名为《shut up and let me go》,是由the ting tings演唱。

《shut up and let me go》

演唱:the ting tings



shut up and let me go

this hurts, i tell you so

for the last time you will kiss my lips

now shut up and let me go

your jeans were once so clean

i bet you changed your wardrobe since we met

now oh so easily your over me

gone is love

it"s you that ought to be holding me

i"m not containable

this turns up

it"s not sustainable

i ain"t freakin

i ain"t fakin this

i ain"t freakin

i ain"t fakin this

i ain"t freakin

i ain"t fakin this

shut up and let me go


shut up and let me go

this hurts, but i can"t show

for the last time you had me in bits

now shut up and let me go!

for fear of leaving in regret

i changed this one when we first met

now oh so easily your over me

gone is love

it"s me that ought to be moving on

you"re not adorable

i was something unignorable.

i ain"t freakin

i ain"t fakin this

i ain"t freakin

i ain"t fakin this

i ain"t freakin

i ain"t fakin this

shut up and let me go


oh love, hold this.



shut up and let me go

this hurts, i told you so

for the last time you will kiss my lips

now shut up and let me go

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