天天向上1205期欧弟教张泽跳街舞的英文歌曲body language-san e

2014-12-06 12:33:25

天天向上20141205期至上励合新洗脑歌曲鸭梨大,引爆全场,老师天团更是潜力无限演技爆棚!不过看到那个历史老师那里,欧弟会不会很尴尬啊 毕竟台湾人,还当过兵。或许爱看快本的人觉得要放松就彻底放松,要学习就专心学习。看天天向上的人觉得边娱乐边学东西很不错,所以两个节目迎合不同人的口味,都有市场,两个都会长盛不衰。

欧弟跳舞第二段的歌名,大概听出i giving to you girl ...you body my body ,you loving we loving。。天天向上20141205期欧弟教张泽跳街舞的英文歌曲视频第二页

天天向上20141205期欧弟街舞视频示范教学,body language歌曲歌词:{历史老师讲中共历史时,欧弟闷闷不乐表情图解第三页}

  歌曲名:body language

  歌手:fat jon

  专辑:lightweight heavy

  speak my language

  i'm about to leave my family and country

  to go oversea to study

  i speak hokkien and mandarin and

  i like eating wantan mee (instant mee)

  why do i have to speak other language

  while i am talking to my people

  why do i have to use another language

  while i am singing my song

  tell me please what is my culture

  tell me please how should it be

  tell me please where is my future

  north south west or east(tell me please how can it be)

  you can laugh at me


  but i don't care i just looking for my id

  so don't blame me

  for my broken rojak market english

  maybe you don't like it


  oh! don't hot please


  tell me please what is my culture

  tell me please how should it be

  tell me please where is my future

  tell me please how can it be

  tell me please what is my culture

  tell me please how should it be

  tell me please where is my future

  north south west or east

  i come from kampung bangkali

  i like to eat roti and mee

  i got 3 rabbits and 2 monkeys and

  when i free i'll play bakuli

  i like to listen radio and i like to eat durian

  i dance and sing quite good also and

  i want you listen to me

  if you think you hear no road

  come and sing the song with me

  if you think you hear no road

  come and sing the song with me

  if you think you hear no road

  come and sing the song with me

  (阿财叔is a cut fruit hawker)

  (wu la la hey wu la la)


  and his father's name 叫著大头鬼


  (wu la la hey wu la la)

  (阿财叔is a cut fruit hawker)

  (wu la la hey wu la la)


  and his father's name 叫著大头鬼




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