新版流星花园插曲背景音乐所有歌曲盘点 片尾曲主题曲叫什么谁唱的
《新版流星花园》已经开播,剧中道明寺的扮演者还蛮帅的,杉菜这个角色很绿茶,但道明寺拿外卖打杉菜这种行为根本就不像是现代豪门该有的家教,当然杉菜说话婊气也很重,是挺讨打的。随着该剧的开播,许多观众好奇剧中出现的歌曲有哪些呢?下面一起来来了解新版流星花园所有插曲片尾曲主题曲盘点。 新版流星花园插曲叫什么 电视剧《新版流星花园》已于7月9日晚正式开播,据悉,新版流星花园第一集的影人插曲叫做《River》。 River歌词 Like a river like a river sh Like a river like a river sh Like a river like a river Shut your mouth and run me like a river How do we fall in love Harder than a bullet could hit ya How do we fall apart Faster than a hair pin trigger Don't you say don't you say it Don't say don't you say it One breath it'll just break it So shut your mouth and run me like a river Shut your mouth baby stand and deliver Holy hands ooh they make me a sinner Like a river like a river Shut your mouth and run me like a river Choke this love till the veins start to shiver One last breath till the tears start to wither Like a river like a river Shut your mouth and run me like a river Tales of an endless heart Curses is the fool who's willing Can't change the way we are One kiss away from killing Don't you say don't you say it Don't say don't you say it One breath it'll just break it So shut your mouth and run me like a river Shut your mouth baby stand and deliver Holy hands ooh they make me a sinner Like a river like a river Shut your mouth and run me like a river Choke this love till the veins start to shiver One last breath till the tears start to wither Like a river like a river Shut your mouth and run me like a river Like a river like a river Like a river like a river Like a river like a river Shut your mouth and run me like a river Like a river Shut your mouth baby stand and deliver Holy hands ooh they make me a sinner Like a river like a river Shut your mouth and run me like a river Choke this love till the veins start to shiver One last breath till the tears start to wither Like a river like a river Shut your mouth and run me like a river |