英文版改革春风吹满地上线,小编听过一遍后满脑子都是so niubi啊so niubi!简直太魔性了,根本停不下来。之前改革春风吹满地《念诗之王》这首歌曲红遍了网络,各种各样的舞蹈搭配上这首歌曲都非常的适合,很多的艺人都被网友们剪辑过恶搞的视频,非常的搞笑。最近改革吹风这首歌曲竟然还被制作成了英文版本,而且英文版的这首歌曲还非常的押韵,那么改革春风吹满地英文版完整歌词是什么?试听地址是什么呢?下面和小编一起来了解一下吧。 在线试听:52Fuqing.com/t10837(传送到网易云音乐) 《念诗之王》英文版介绍 这首歌曲英文版本的填词人是A路人,不少的网友表示真的是太有才了,听起来还是一样的沙雕,而且没想到用英文组合起来的这首歌曲还非常的押韵。这首歌曲其实叫做《念诗之王》因为改革春风吹满地这句歌词真的是太红了,所以大家也这样叫这首歌曲。 改革春风吹满地《念诗之王》英文版完整歌词 You are da man, I’m da gang, Make up dress up ass we can 人是衣,马是鞍,一看长相二看穿 Day you ponger night you drool, day you ponder night you drool 白天想,夜里哭 Fuckin’ dreamin’ like a fool, your life’s faded,virus’ updated 做梦都想去首都,俩脚离地了,病毒就关闭了 And then you are wasted, go!!!ooooooooooo 啥都上不去了,嚎,嗷~ Open and reform policy, policy, nage policy,policy, nage policy 改革春风吹满地,吹满地,吹风吹满地 Chinese people so niubi,so niubi, we are so niubi,so niubi, we are so niubi 中国人民真争气,真争气,人民真争气 Oh the world just break new ground, cat and mouse frickin’ hang around 这个世界太疯狂,耗子都给猫当伴娘 Cat so long, mouse so strong,Cat so so long and the mouse so strong 齐德隆,齐东强,齐德隆的咚得隆咚锵 I remember snowing in the year 2003,that shitty shitty snow came later than it should be 记得那时2003年的第一场雪,第一场雪,比2002年来的稍晚了一些,稍晚了一些 Get by, stand by… hereby, thereby… goodbye 抓牌看牌,洗牌马牌,失败 You know why I said goodbye ma? that’s why you have a such a fuck life ! 知道为啥失败吗?真让我替你感到悲哀 No more bill, no more pill, sit there and ready to chill 不打针,不吃药,坐着就是跟你唠 Upon conversation get your get your life real,here we go the primal therapy 用谈话的方式治疗这叫话疗,现在请听第一个话题 How you should care a piggy, STFU, harvest from the mud, rid get we the flood 母猪的产后护理,拿错书了,粮食大丰收,洪水被赶跑 In we win the hard luck, in we fight the cold blood, outside getting’ darker 百姓安居乐业,齐夸党的领导,国外比较乱遭 Everyday they slaughter, when you see it higher, we are truly better 成天勾心斗角,纵观世界风云,风景这边更好 Motherfuckin’ hearty, Motherfuckin’ lovey 火辣辣的心呐,火辣辣的情 Motherfuckin’ chilly girly she is a sexy lady,Motherfuckin’ teacher fan why not have a party 火辣辣的小辣椒他透着心里红,火辣辣的范老师请你多批评 not as whole,he’s an asshole,Open and reform policy 精辟啥,那是屁精,那是屁精 Open and reform policy, policy, nage policy,policy, nage policy 改革春风吹满地,吹满地,吹风吹满地 Chinese people so niubi,so niubi, we are so niubi,so niubi, we are so niubi 中国人民真争气,真争气,人民真争气 Oh the world just break new ground, cat and mouse frickin’ hang around 这个世界太疯狂,耗子都给猫当伴娘 Cat so long, mouse so strong,Cat so so long and the mouse so strong 齐德隆,齐东强,齐德隆的咚得隆咚锵 I care you, dare you, bare you, not only I fear you, and your mamamiya 我在意你,含糊你,伺候你,我不光怕你,关键现在我怕你妈呀 Drink up,eat up, shut up, just don’t give up,Mua 喝水,闭嘴,揉腿,亲一口老鬼,Mua Thank you TV, Thank you all the TV 感谢TV,感谢所有TV Moonlight shines aground, window window frost around 床前明月光,玻璃玻璃好上霜 Play majeong, settle down, your bed is a battleground 打麻将,双人床十个木那叫念炕 Get a cocky lay an egg, I ain’t freaking pull your leg 一只公鸡要下蛋,不是他的活他要干 No more bill, no more pill, sit there and ready to chill 不打针,不吃药,坐着就是跟你唠 Upon conversation get your get your life real,here we go the primal therapy 用谈话的方式治疗这叫话疗,现在请听第一个话题 How you should care a piggy, STFU, harvest from the mud, rid get we the flood 母猪的产后护理,拿错书了,粮食大丰收,洪水被赶跑 In we win the hard luck, in we fight the cold blood, outside getting’ darker 百姓安居乐业,齐夸党的领导,国外比较乱遭 Everyday they slaughter, when you see it higher, we are truly better,Cheers 成天勾心斗角,纵观世界风云,风景这边更好 |