地震都是因为女人穿牛仔裤 要武力攻击不检点的女性!

2015-06-02 12:13:58

一位巴基斯坦的穆斯林教士毛拉 (Maulana Fazlur Rehman) 日前公开了一则让大众譁然的言论,那就是:「会发生破坏性的地震,都是因为穿牛仔裤的女人害的。」Ridiculed: Maulana Fazlur Rehman (pictured), who is also leader of the junior party in Islamabad's ruling coalition, said 'immodest women' are responsible for a whole host of recent disasters around the world

毛拉是伊斯兰堡的执政联盟的资深派系领袖,说出「全世界近期的灾害都是因为不正派的女性所害」,表示没有以长袍好好包覆身体的女性,都巨大灾害的元凶,还力求巴基斯坦总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫 (Nawaz Sharif) 要对穿牛仔裤的女人采取军事行动。Rehman is not the first cleric to be ridiculed for his eccentric views this year and, bizarrely, isn't even the first to blame 'promiscuous' women for earthquakes. Early last month Hojatoleslam Kazim Sadeghi said women had caused a number of deadly earthquakes in the country, such as the one that killed 26,000 in Bam in 2003 他曾经也将女性形容是「一袋面粉」,也说时下的穿着也是四处地震还有南亚国家通货膨胀的主因。接着说「我们真的要采取行动、歼灭巴基斯坦真正的敌人:每位穿牛仔裤的女人。」

这位强硬的政客先前也表示过,塔利班 (Taliban) 是他们的兄弟。而如果女人穿着都很正派,那塔利班就不会再对巴基斯坦施展恐怖攻击。

但他也并不是第一个发表类似言论的人,先前伊朗最高领袖阿里·哈米尼 (Ayatollah Khamenei) 也曾经表示,越多的滥交也会造成地震更频繁。


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