
2015-07-08 22:51:33

3. 再来是美国德州BSR Cable Park的滑水道!不要看它其貌不扬…

The new Royal Flush slide in Waco, Texas, was the scene of a video that went viral featuring tanned and toned young people


The height that can be achieved after sliding at speed leaves room for backflips and feats of acrobatics not many slides can offer


只能说天上飞的,水里游的,通通一次玩过瘾!好想也去「飞」一下啊! 不过这里提醒大家一下,其实真的去玩的游客是必须穿上救生衣的,所以图片「仅供参考」而已啦!

Some sliders have more control that others as they speed off the jumps at the end of the Royal Flush slides 

4. 接下来登场的是美国奥兰多水上狂欢乐园 (Wet ‘n Wild)。在这里,你可以化身赛车手,并和好友一起在滑水道上赛车。滑水道高达19公尺,全长109公尺,过程东转西扭,保证让你惊叫连连!

The 360ft-long four-lane Aqua Drag Racer at Wet 'n Wild in Orlando is a chance to see who slides the fastest out of your friends

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