留学生杨舒平演讲引众怒:杨舒平资料照片遭人肉 演讲视频观看附中英全文
Some of us may go to graduate school, some us may step into professions and some of us may begin a journey of exploration. 我们中的有些人可能会继续读研究生,有的人可能参与工作,有的人可能开始一段探索的旅程。 But no matter what we do, remember, democracy and free speech should not be taken for granted. 但不管我们做什么,请记住,民主和自由言论来之不易。 Democracy and freedom are the fresh air that is worth fighting for. 民主和自由是值得为之奋斗的清新空气。 Freedom is oxygen. Freedom is passion. Freedom is love. 自由是氧气,自由是激情,自由是爱。 And as a French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre once said: freedom is a choice, our future is dependent on the choices we make today and tomorrow. 正如法国哲学家让-保罗·萨特所说,自由是一种选择,我们的未来取决于我们今天和明天所做的决定。 We are all playwrights of the next chapters of our lives. Together, we right the human history. 我们是人生下个章节的作者。让我们一起,来书写人类历史。 My friends, enjoy the fresh air and never let it go. 我的朋友们,享受这清新的空气吧,不要让它消失。 Thank you. 谢谢。 |